Testers voor elektrische borden en machines
Electrische borden en machines dienen na fabricatie getest te worden op hun electrische veiligheid. De norm die hiervoor gehanteerd wordt is de EN 60204-1 en omvat het meten van de weerstand van de verschillende aardingsgeleiders in het bord, de isolatieweerstand, de lekstroom, de afwezigheid op spanning en een hoogspanningstest. Het gamma van GMC-Instruments is opgedeeld in verschilldende versies, afhankelijk van de noden en de toepassing.
Profitest Prime
Testing of Electrical Machines, Equipment and Installations
Testing the effectiveness of safety measures in electrical systems is necessary in many applications and is required in accordance with legislation and regulations set forth by official authorities, operating companies and insurance companies.
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Profitest Prime AC
Testing of Electrical Machines, Equipment and Installations
Testing the effectiveness of safety measures in electrical systems is necessary in many applications and is required in accordance with legislation and regulations set forth by official authorities, operating companies and insurance companies.
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